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The new Tong-Len health bus significantly has improved the health conditions of slum dwellers in remote and rural areas where there is very limited access to health services. It is serving as a mini hospital providing essential medical care directly to the homes of slum communities and remote villagers.

Women in the slums, who previously had to give birth in unhygienic conditions without medical support, can now deliver with privacy and proper medical care.

The bus is equipped with basic medical lab equipment, but now  has some more advanced equipment, including a portable digital X-ray machine. Other equipment, such as cancer diagnostic tools will be installed soon. The bus will also have a telemedicine connection, allowing access to various expert doctors, making it an efficient and quick way to serve the communities and save lives.

Having this well equipped mobile service is enabling Tong-Len to serve more slums, including those in the neighbouring state of Jammu.  We also aim to reach many remote schools where child health is a growing concern.